General Terms and Conditions

Terms of Participation
Please note that the following General Terms and Conditions are binding for your participation in coaching and seminars by Corina König, Lebenslagen-Coaching (hereinafter referred to as Coach/Organizer). Services are provided exclusively on this basis.

Binding Registration
By agreeing to the appointment and booking via email, you are bindingly registering for the selected coaching/event. You will receive a registration confirmation and an invoice for the coaching/participation fee.

Invoicing and Payment
The participant receives a total invoice upon booking in accordance with the payment terms of the respective offer or event announcement. The invoice must be paid upon booking and before the start of the coaching/event. The participant agrees to the electronic dispatch of the invoice. A repeated dispatch of an electronic invoice will only occur in the form of a duplicate according to legal requirements. No liability is assumed for the content and methods provided in the coaching/seminars; therefore, a refund or credit of the entire or part of the participation fee for this reason is excluded.

All coaching and seminar fees invoiced in writing are to be transferred to the following account:

Corina König
Stadtsparkasse München

Cancellation of Booking
Cancellations will only be accepted by Ms Corina König in writing (letter, e-mail). The coaching/seminar booking can be canceled in writing without giving reasons up to 21 days before the start of the coaching. After that, 100% of the coaching and participation fee is due, even for short-term cancellations.

Right of Withdrawal
According to the right of withdrawal for consumer contracts (§ 355 BGB, version amended as of August 1, 2002) and in reference to § 312b BGB, distance selling contracts, there is a two-week withdrawal period after registration. You are no longer bound by your declaration of intent to conclude the contract if you withdraw it in due time. The withdrawal does not need to contain a reason and must be declared to us in text form or by returning the item within two weeks; timely dispatch is sufficient for compliance with the deadline.

Cancellation of Coaching and Events by the Provider Corina König
If a coaching/event has to be postponed or canceled for important reasons, all participants will be contacted immediately, at the latest one week before the event starts. In this case, the organizer is only obligated to refund any already paid participation fee.

In the event of sudden unavailability, the organizer also has the right to appoint one or more professionally qualified substitutes to conduct the coaching/event. There are no further claims of the participant for the event to be conducted. If there is no possibility of substitution, a coaching/seminar can be canceled up to three days in advance without any claim for damages arising.

By booking an appointment, the participant agrees that their data will be electronically stored by the coach/organizer and that they will be informed by post, fax, or email about further events by Corina König, Lebenslagen-Coaching. The participant can revoke this consent at any time.

Liability Disclaimer
The organizer assumes no liability for damages to property and health during arrival, return, during coaching/training, as well as for any loss of valuables.

Coachings and seminars aimed at personal development are professional self-experience, training, and further education seminars. Anyone undergoing therapy or medical treatment should clarify with their doctor or therapist in good time whether participation in the coaching/seminar is beneficial. Each person participates in the coaching/event at their own responsibility and makes no claims from any possible consequences of participation.

The organizer is not liable for the coaching and participation capability or the health resilience of individual persons participating in coaching/seminars.

There is no liability for accidents on the way to a coaching/seminar by Corina König. Bringing dogs or other animals is not permitted.

Final Provisions and Jurisdiction
Additions or collateral agreements are only valid in written form after prior review and mutual agreement. This also applies to changes or the cancellation of the written form clause.

The place of jurisdiction is the Federal Republic of Germany.